Create a Call Queue
- Each Call Queue requires a resource account setup in the Microsoft 365 tenancy. These accounts are free and setup in the steps below.
- If the Call Queue is only going to be an option from an Auto Attendant, then no ruther licensing is required.
- If the Call Queue requires a phone number attached to it for direct inbound calls to the Call Queue, then you require a Microsoft 365 Phone System - Virtual User license. These are free and more information can be found here: 🌐 Here
To create a Call Queue, you need to
- Create a Resource Account
- License the Resource Account (Optional)
- Create the Call Queue
- Create a Resource Account
- Assign the Resource account a license
- [Optional] If wanting to forward an unanswered call to a Voice Mail, then you’ll need to:
- Need a service account with a Microsoft Flow license
- Create an Office 365 Group to receive the Voice Mails (recommend to start the name of the account with VM. IE: VM Finance)
- Assign the service account as an owner and member of the new Microsoft 365 group
- Create a flow to get the email and pass it to a destination email address (See Jay for template)
- Create the Call Queue
The script will prompt for a name to use for the new Call Queue and will auto-format the name as required
⚠ These scripts assume that you’ve already connected to the Skype for Business Online PowerShell Module. See Here to connect
Create the Resource Account
#Get the name of the new Call Queue from the user
Write-Host "This script will create a new Resource Account and create the Call Queue" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black
Write-Host "The only allowed symbols are - and _"
$CqName = Read-Host "Please enter the name for the new Call Queue"
#Create the username for the Resource Account by removing all spaces and adding RACQ_ to the start
$CqDisplayName = $CqName -replace '[`~!@#$%^&\*()+={}|\[\]\;:\''",/<>?]',''
$RaCqUserName = $CqName -replace '\s','' -replace '[`~!@#$%^&\*()+={}|\[\]\;:\''",/<>?]',''
$RaCqUserName = "RACQ_$RaCqUserName{DOMAIN_NAME}"
$RaCqDisplayName = $CqName -replace '[`~!@#$%^&\*()+={}|\[\]\;:\''",/<>?]',''
$RaCqDisplayName = "RACQ_$RaCqDisplayName"
#Create a new Call Queue
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName $RaCqUserName -DisplayName $RaCqDisplayName -ApplicationId “11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07”
Assign a PSTN phone number to the Resource Account
Raw PowerShell Code
$RaUPN = Read-Host "Please enter UPN for the Resource Account"
Write-Host "The PSTN number must be in E.164 format - IE: +61299995555" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black
$RaPSTN = Read-Host "Please enter PSTN number to assign to the Resource Account"
Set-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identity $RaUPN -OnpremPhoneNumber $RaPSTN
SBC-Easy PowerShell Code
The full script has now been included in the User Onboarding script here