The PowerShell scripts on this page have been updated to include managing reseouce accounts. Please use the same script to add/remove numbers for Resource Accounts
How to voice enable a new or existing user
Users in Microsoft 365 require several licenses and setting changes before they are able to call using Direct Routing in Microsoft Teams
- Users require a Microsoft 365 Phone System license.
Refer to đ License requriements for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing for more information. - Voice Routing Policy
By default, the plan AU-National-1300 should be used when provisioning a user.
The other common plan is AU-International-1300 where the user has expressed that they require international calling.
Any Premium plans shouldnât be selected unless the customer expressly states that they accept, in writing, that users would be able to call expensive numbers like the time service without any cost caps. - Dial Plan
Dial Planss should be assigned to users based on their DID number. For example, where the number starts with 07, allocate the Queensland policy.
AU-CentralEast = 02 - Sydney & Canberra
AU-SouthEast = 03 - Melbourne & Tasmania
AU-Queensland = 07 - Queensland
AU-CentralandWest = 08 - South Australia & Northern Territory & Western Australia\
Modifying an existing user?
If youâre looking to modify an existing user, you can re-run the same on-boarding script as below.
â Information on troubleshooting user provisioning errors can be found here
SBC-Easy PowerShell Code
â These scripts assume that youâve already connected to the Skype for Business Online PowerShell Module.
Need to connect? See Connecting to Skype for Business Online PowerShell Module
# Script version 1.2
# - Updates to include Resource Account Management
# - V1.1.0 - Update to LuneURI from OnPremLineURI
# - V1.1.1 - Change to LuneURI back to OnPremLineURI after errors "Unable to set "LineURI". This parameter is restricted within Remote Tenant PowerShell."
# - Resolved error in EXT processing that resulted in no extension number being set
# - V1.1.2 - Update rem and off to OnPremLineURI from LineURI
# - V1.1.3 - Correction to Dial Plan and Voice Routing Policy selection screens where there was either Only GLOBAL or GLOBAL + 1 available for selection
# - V1.2.0 - Updates to the powershell modules after a login default of V4.1.1 was required
# - Confirm if this line is still required - Somewhere around line 631
# $UserNumberToAssign = $UserDID
# Written by Jay Antoney
# 5G Networks
# 28 JUNE 2022
function Get-UserUPN {
#Regex pattern for checking an email address
$EmailRegex = '^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$'
#Set variable to loop through the Get User UPN function
$UserUPNloop = 'y'
while($UserUPNloop -eq 'y') {
$UserUPN = $null
while($UserUPN -notmatch $EmailRegex -and $UserUPN -notmatch "ra")
Write-Host "ERROR: $error"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "The tenant you've connected to is: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "$($global:tenantDisplayName)"
if($UserUPN -ne $null) {Write-Host "$UserUPN isn't a valid UPN. A UPN looks like an email address" -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host}
Write-Host "Please enter in the users full UPN that you're trying to edit"
Write-Host "- OR - type RA for a resource account"
$UserUPN = Read-Host "Users UPN or RA"
$UserUPN = $UserUPN.trim()
if ($UserUPN -eq "ra") {
$UserUPN = (Get-sbcResourceAccounts).UserPrincipalName
#Test to make sure the user is real
$usrDetail = $null
Write-Host "Getting user details..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
try {$usrDetail = Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "$($UserUPN)" -ErrorAction Stop}
Catch {Write-Host; Write-Host "No username found with username $UserUPN or the users calling licenses have been removed. Please try again" -ForegroundColor Yellow; pause}
if (-not $error) {$UserUPNloop = 'n'}
$Global:isResourceAccount = $null
#Write-Host "DEBUG BEFORE isResourceAccount [$($UserUPN) | $($Global:isResourceAccount)]" -ForegroundColor Magenta
if ($usrDetail.UserPrincipalName -in $Global:ResourceAccList.UserPrincipalName) {$Global:isResourceAccount = $true} else {$Global:isResourceAccount = $false}
#if ($userDetail.UserPrincipalName -in $Global:ResourceAccList.UserPrincipalName) {$Global:isResourceAccount = $true; Write-Host "TRUE-2"} else {$Global:isResourceAccount = $false; Write-Host "FALSE-2"}
#Write-Host "DEBUG AFTER isResourceAccount [$($UserUPN) | $($Global:isResourceAccount)]" -ForegroundColor Magenta
return $usrDetail
function Display-UserDetails {
$UserDetail = $Global:UserDetail
Write-Host "User Selected: $($UserDetail.DisplayName) - $($UserUPN)"
if ($UserDetail.EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -eq $true){
Write-Host "User is already voice enabled" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "DisplayName: $($UserDetail.DisplayName)"
Write-Host "Is a resource account? " -NoNewline
if ($Global:isResourceAccount) {Write-Host "Yes" -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host "No"}
Write-Host "DID Number: $($UserDetail.LineURI)"
Write-Host "Hosted Voicemail Policy: $($UserDetail.HostedVoicemailPolicy)"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($UserDetail.OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy)){
Write-Host "Online Voice Routing Policy: {NONE SET}" -foregroundcolor Yellow
} else {
Write-Host "Online Voice Routing Policy: $($UserDetail.OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy)"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($UserDetail.TenantDialPlan)){
Write-Host "Tenant Dial Plan: {NONE SET}" -foregroundcolor Yellow
} else {
Write-Host "Tenant Dial Plan: $($UserDetail.TenantDialPlan)"
} else {
Write-Host "User not currently voice enabled"
function Get-sbcResourceAccounts {
# Get all the resource accounts
Write-host "Select a resource account" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ResourceAcc = $Global:ResourceAccList
If (($ResourceAcc.UserPrincipalName -eq $NULL) -and ($ResourceAcc.Count -eq 0)) {
$tenant = Get-CsTenant | Select DisplayName
Write-Host "No resource accounts were found. Please login to a tenant that has resource accounts before running this script." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "The tenant you're connected to is: $($tenant.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Break #Exit script but don't close PowerShell to keep the logged in session
# List all the Resource accounts and prompt the user to select them
If ($ResourceAcc.Count -gt 1) {
$ResourceAccList = @()
If ($ResourceAcc.Count -gt 10) {
Write-Host "ID Phone Number Type Resource Account"
Write-Host "== ============ ==== ============"
} else {
Write-Host "ID Phone Number Type Resource Account"
Write-Host "== ============ ==== ============"
For ($i=0; $i -lt $ResourceAcc.Count; $i++) {
$a = $i + 1
#Check what the account type is
Switch ($ResourceAcc[$i].ApplicationId)
ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07 {$type = "Auto Attendant"}
11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07 {$type = "Call Queue "}
default {$type = " "}
#Check if there is already a phone number on the account
if ($ResourceAcc[$i].PhoneNumber)
$phoneNumber = ($ResourceAcc[$i].PhoneNumber).SubString(4)
#Pad the phone number to 15 characters
while ($phoneNumber.length -lt 15) {$phoneNumber = "$phoneNumber "}
} else {
$phoneNumber = " "
#add a space infront of the phone number if it's below 10
If ($i -lt 9) {$phoneNumber = " $phoneNumber";}
Write-Host ($a, $phoneNumber, $type, $ResourceAcc[$i].UserPrincipalName) -Separator " "
$Range = '(1-' + $ResourceAcc.Count + ')'
$Select = Read-Host "Select a Resource Account to Assign number to" $Range
$ResourceAccList += $ResourceAcc[$Select-1]
Else { # There is only one Resource Account
$ResourceAccList = Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance
Return $ResourceAccList
function Get-UserDID {
#Regex pattern for checking an email address
$DIDRegex = '^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$'
$UserDID = $null
$UserDetail = $Global:UserDetail
#Get the users DID
while($UserDID -notmatch $DIDRegex -and $UserDID -ne 'rem' -and $UserDID -ne 'off' -and $UserDID -ne 'n' -and $UserDID -ne 'e')
if ($UserDID -ne $null) {
Write-Host "------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Invalid Selection" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "$UserDID isn't a valid DID number, or is not in the correct format." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Please enter in the users DID number" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "A DID must be in E.164 Format. IE: +61299995555"
Write-Host "-or enter-"
Write-Host "rem Remove the number from the user and disable enterprise calling"
#Write-Host "off Remove all calling capabilities and numbers from the user" ### REMOVED from V1.2.0 as there is no difference between rem and off now - Jay A
Write-Host "n Next User"
Write-Host "e Exit"
$UserDID = Read-Host "Please enter the DID number to assign"
$UserDID = $UserDID.trim()
return $UserDID
function Display-ScriptExit {
Write-Host "Thanks for using this script" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "For bug, feedback and comments, please see the SBC Connect GitHub"
Write-Host ""
$global:mainLoop = $false
function Get-UserEXT {
#Regex pattern for checking an email address
$EXTRegex = '^[1-9]\d{2,3}$'
$UserEXT = "TBA"
$UserDetail = $Global:UserDetail
#Get the users Extension Number
while($UserEXT -notmatch $EXTRegex -and $UserEXT -ne 'e' -and $UserEXT -ne $null -and $Global:isResourceAccount -eq $false)
if ($UserEXT -eq "TBA") {$UserEXT = $null}
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $UserEXT )) {
Write-Host "------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Invalid Selection" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "$UserEXT isn't a valid extension number, or is not in the correct format." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Please enter in the users extenation number" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "An extension number can be between 3-4 digits and can not start with a 0"
Write-Host "-or enter-"
Write-Host "{ENTER} Leave blank to skip and not use an extension"
Write-Host "e Exit and not assign any number to the user"
$UserEXT = Read-Host "Please enter the extension number"
$UserEXT = $UserEXT.trim()
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $UserEXT )) {$UserEXT = $null}
if ($UserEXT -eq "TBA") {$UserEXT = $null}
return $UserEXT
#Start script checks and output "MAIN LOOP"
$mainLoop = $true
while ($mainLoop -eq $true) {
Write-Host "Loading tenant details..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Check we're logged into the Skype for Business Online PowerShell Module
try {
$global:tenantDisplayName = (Get-CsTenant | Select DisplayName).DisplayName
Write-Host "The tenant you're connected to is $($global:tenantDisplayName)" -ForegroundColor Green
} catch {
$activeTeamsSessions = Get-PSSession | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -like 'SfBPowerShellSessionViaTeamsModule*'}
Write-Host "You're not logged into any Microsoft Teams - Skype for Business Online powershell modules" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($activeTeamsSessions.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "We're logging you out of the following sessions:"
$activeTeamsSessions | Remove-PSSession
Write-Host "Please back into the Microsoft Teams - Skype for Business Online powershell module using the full script on the SBC Connect website"
Write-Host ""
$mainLoop = $false
Write-Host "Getting a list of all Resource Accounts..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$Global:ResourceAccList = Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance
#Get the user's UPN
$Global:UserDetail = Get-UserUPN
$UserUPN = $UserDetail.UserPrincipalName
#Get the user's DID
$UserDID = Get-UserDID
# Switch the output of the $UserDID selection in case it's REM or OFF
'n' {
$mainLoop = $true
'e' {
$mainLoop = $false
'rem' {
$remconfirm = $null
while ($remconfirm -ne "yes" -and $remconfirm -ne "no") {
Write-Host "Removing the users phone number: $($UserDetail.LineURI)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Are you sure you want to remove this accounts phone number?" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$remconfirm = Read-Host "yes/no"
if ($remconfirm -eq "yes") {
try {Remove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity $UserDetail.UserPrincipalName -RemoveAll -ErrorAction Stop}
catch {write-host "Unable to remove the number $($UserDetail.LineURI) from the user $($UserDetail.UserPrincipalName)" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
# Below block removed from V1.2.0 onwards - JAY A
#if ($Global:isResourceAccount) {
# try {Set-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identity $UserDetail.UserPrincipalName -OnpremPhoneNumber $null -ErrorAction Stop}
# catch {write-host "Unable to remove the number $($UserDetail.LineURI) from the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
#} else {
# try {Set-CsUser -Identity $UserDetail.UserPrincipalName -OnPremLineURI $null -ErrorAction Stop}
# catch {write-host "Unable to remove the number $($UserDetail.LineURI) from the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Script Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
$nextConfirm = $null
while ($nextConfirm -ne 'n' -and $nextConfirm -ne 'e') {
Write-Host "What would you like to do now?"
Write-Host "n Next user"
Write-Host "e Exit"
$nextConfirm = Read-Host "Please confirm all OK [n/e]"
if ($nextConfirm -eq 'e') {$mainLoop = $false; break}
# 'off' {
# if ($Global:isResourceAccount) {
# Write-Host "Sorry there is no OFF for a resource account. Please run the REM command" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Pause
# } else {
# $remSelection = $null
# while ($remSelection -ne 'yes' -and $remSelection -ne 'e') {
# clear
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "-- FINAL CHECK --"
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "User UPN Selected: $($UserUPN)"
# Write-Host "DisplayName: $($UserDetail.DisplayName)"
# Write-Host "DID Number: $($UserDetail.LineURI)"
# Write-Host "Hosted Voicemail Policy: $($UserDetail.HostedVoicemailPolicy)"
# Write-Host "Online Voice Routing Policy: $($UserDetail.OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy)"
# Write-Host "Tenant Dial Plan: $($UserDetail.TenantDialPlan)"
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "Are you sure you want to off-board this user from Teams Calling?" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "yes Remove all calling capabilities and numbers from the user"
# Write-Host "n Select a different user"
# Write-Host "e Exit script with no changes"
# Write-Host
# $remSelection = Read-Host "Please enter selection"
# $remSelection = $remSelection.trim()
# }
# # Switch the output of the $UserDID selection in case it's REM or OFF
# switch($remSelection){
# 'e' {
# $mainLoop = $false
# break
# }
# 'n' {
# $mainLoop = $true
# }
# 'yes' {
# clear
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "Removing all calling capabilities and numbers from the user"
# Write-Host
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "[1/3] | Remove the users Voice Routing Policy" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# $error.Clear()
# try {Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity $UserDetail.UserPrincipalName -PolicyName $null -ErrorAction Stop}
# catch {write-host "Unable to remove the Voice Routing Policy from the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
# Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "[2/3] | Remove the Dial Plan" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# $error.Clear()
# try {Grant-CsTenantDialPlan -Identity $UserDetail.UserPrincipalName -PolicyName $null -ErrorAction Stop}
# catch {write-host "Unable to remove the Dial Plan from the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
# Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
# Write-Host "[3/3] | Removing the users phone number and disabling Enterprise Voice" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# $error.Clear()
# Try {Set-CsUser -Identity $UserDetail.UserPrincipalName -OnPremLineURI $null -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $false -HostedVoiceMail $false -ErrorAction Stop}
# catch {write-host "Unable to remove the number from the user or Disable Enterprise Voice" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
# Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
# Write-Host
# Write-Host
# #Confirm that voice services have been removed
# Write-Host "Waiting 4 seconds for scripts to complete..."
# Start-Sleep -Seconds 4
# Write-Host "Confirming users voice services have been disabled"
# Write-Host
# #Get the user's UPN
# $Global:UserDetail = Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $UserUPN
# #Check enterprisevoiceenabled is $false
# if ($Global:UserDetail.enterprisevoiceenabled -eq $true) {
# #enterprisevoiceenabled is still enabled
# $ievecheck = 0;
# while ($Global:UserDetail.enterprisevoiceenabled -eq $true -and $ievecheck -lt 2) {
# Write-Host "Scripts not complete - Waiting a further 4 seconds for scripts to complete..."
# Start-Sleep -Seconds 4
# $Global:UserDetail = Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $UserUPN
# Write-Host
# $ievecheck++
# }
# if ($ievecheck -gt 2) {Write-Host "Scripts have been run but are taking longer than expected to complete. Please wait 20 minutes for the platform to remove the calling capabilities from the user" -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host;}
# } else {
# #enterprisevoiceenabled has been disabled
# Write-Host "The users voice services have been disabled and numbers removed" -ForegroundColor Green
# Write-Host
# }
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "Script Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
# Write-Host
# #Check with the user what to do now
# $nextConfirm = $null
# while ($nextConfirm -ne 'n' -and $nextConfirm -ne 'e') {
# clear
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "What would you like to do now?"
# Write-Host
# Write-Host "n Next user"
# Write-Host "e Exit"
# Write-Host
# $nextConfirm = Read-Host "Please confirm all OK [n/e]"
# }
# if ($nextConfirm -eq 'e') {$mainLoop = $false; break}
# }
# }#end switch $remSelection
# }
# }
default {
#Get the users Extension number
$UserEXT = $null
$UserEXT = Get-UserEXT
if ($UserEXT -eq 'e') {$mainLoop = $false; break}
# List and select the dial plan to assign to the user
Write-Host "Getting a list of all Dial Plans..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$gotDialPlan = get-CsTenantDialPlan
$dialPlanRegex = "^[1-$($gotDialPlan.Count)]$"
$selectDialPlan = $null
while ($selectDialPlan -notmatch $dialPlanRegex) {
Write-Host "What dial plan should we assign to the user?"
Write-Host "User UPN: $($UserUPN)"
if (-not $Global:isResourceAccount) {Write-Host "User DID: $($UserDID)"}
if ($userEXT) {Write-Host "User EXT: $($UserEXT)"}
if ($Global:isResourceAccount) {Write-Host "Account is a resource account" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
If ($gotDialPlan.Count -gt 10) {
Write-Host "ID PLAN NAME"
Write-Host "-- ---------"
} else {
Write-Host "ID PLAN NAME"
Write-Host "-- ---------"
if ($gotDialPlan.Count -le 0) {
$totalDialplanCount = 1
} else {
$totalDialplanCount = $gotDialPlan.Count
For ($i=0; $i -lt $totalDialplanCount; $i++) {
$a = $i + 1
#Check if there is already a phone number on the account
if ($gotDialPlan[$i].identity.Substring(0,4) -eq 'Tag:') {
$dialPlanName = $gotDialPlan[$i].identity.Substring(4)
} else {
$dialPlanName = $gotDialPlan[$i].identity
#add a space infront of the phone number if it's below 10
Switch ($dialPlanName) {
"AU-CentralEast" {$dialPlanName = "$($dialPlanName) | NSW & ACT"}
"AU-Queensland" {$dialPlanName = "$($dialPlanName) | QLD"}
"AU-CentralandWest" {$dialPlanName = "$($dialPlanName) | SA, NT & WA"}
"AU-SouthEast" {$dialPlanName = "$($dialPlanName) | VIC & TAS"}
If ($i -lt 9) {$dialPlanName = " $dialPlanName";}
Write-Host ($a, $dialPlanName) -Separator " "
$Range = '(1-' + $gotDialPlan.Count + ')'
$selectDialPlan = Read-Host "Select dial plan to assign " $Range
$selectedDialPlan = $gotDialPlan[$selectDialPlan-1]
$finalDialPlanName = $selectedDialPlan.Identity.Substring(4)
Switch ($finalDialPlanName) {
"AU-CentralEast" {$finalDialPlanName = "$($finalDialPlanName) | NSW & ACT"}
"AU-Queensland" {$finalDialPlanName = "$($finalDialPlanName) | QLD"}
"AU-CentralandWest" {$finalDialPlanName = "$($finalDialPlanName) | SA, NT & WA"}
"AU-SouthEast" {$finalDialPlanName = "$($finalDialPlanName) | VIC & TAS"}
DEFAULT {$finalDialPlanName = $selectedDialPlan.Identity}
# List and select the Voice Routing Policy to assign to the user
Write-Host "Getting a list of all Voice Routing Policies..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$gotVRP = get-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy
$vrpPlanRegex = "^[1-$($gotVRP.Count)]$"
$selectvrp = $null
while ($selectvrp -notmatch $vrpPlanRegex) {
Write-Host "What Voice Routing Policy should we assign to the user?"
Write-Host "User UPN: $($UserUPN)"
Write-Host "User DID: $($UserDID)"
if ($userEXT) {Write-Host "User EXT: $($UserEXT)"}
Write-Host "Dial Plan: $($finalDialPlanName)"
If ($gotVRP.Count -gt 10) {
Write-Host "ID PLAN NAME"
Write-Host "-- ---------"
} else {
Write-Host "ID PLAN NAME"
Write-Host "-- ---------"
if ($gotVRP.Count -le 0) {
$totalVRPCount = 1
} else {
$totalVRPCount = $gotVRP.Count
For ($i=0; $i -lt $totalVRPCount; $i++) {
$a = $i + 1
#Check if there is already a phone number on the account
if ($gotVRP[$i].identity.Substring(0,4) -eq 'Tag:') {
$vrpPlanName = $gotVRP[$i].identity.Substring(4)
} else {
$vrpPlanName = $gotVRP[$i].identity
#add a space infront of the phone number if it's below 10
If ($i -lt 9) {$vrpPlanName = " $vrpPlanName";}
Write-Host ($a, $vrpPlanName) -Separator " "
$Range = '(1-' + $gotVRP.Count + ')'
$selectvrp = Read-Host "Select voice routing policy to assign " $Range
$selectedVrp = $gotVRP[$selectvrp-1]
$userReadyConfirm = $null
while ($userReadyConfirm -ne 'y' -and $userReadyConfirm -ne 'n' ) {
Write-Host "Lets check we're all ready to go!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "User UPN: $($UserUPN)"
Write-Host "User DID: $($UserDID)"
if ($userEXT) {Write-Host "User EXT: $($UserEXT)"}
Write-Host "Dial Plan: $($finalDialPlanName)"
Write-Host "Voice Routing Policy: $($selectedVrp.Identity.Substring(4))"
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Is everything OK?"
Write-Host "y = Yes"
Write-Host "n = No"
$userReadyConfirm = Read-Host "Please confirm all OK [y/n]"
#If there was a 'n' then exit
if ($userReadyConfirm -eq 'n') {Write-Host; Write-Host; Write-Host "It seems you found an issue, so we'll exit the script now" -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Host "Please re-run the script to try again" -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Host; pause; break}
# Assigning details to the user
Write-Host "Setting up the user" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "User UPN: $($UserUPN)"
Write-Host "User DID: $($UserDID)"
if ($userEXT) {Write-Host "User EXT: $($UserEXT)"}
Write-Host "Dial Plan: $($finalDialPlanName)"
Write-Host "Voice Routing Policy: $($selectedVrp.Identity.Substring(4))"
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------"
if ($userEXT) {
$UserNumberToAssign = "$($UserDID);ext=$($UserEXT)" ##tel: no longer required from v1.2.0 - Jay A
} else {
$UserNumberToAssign = "$($UserDID)" ##tel: no longer required from v1.2.0 - Jay A
$currentStep = 1
$numOfSteps = 3
Write-Host "[$($currentStep)/$($numOfSteps)] | Assigning the number to the user and Voice Enabling the user | $($UserNumberToAssign)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Try {Set-CsUser -Identity "$UserUPN" -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true -OnPremLineURI $UserNumberToAssign -ErrorAction Stop}
Try {Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "$UserUPN" -PhoneNumber $UserNumberToAssign -PhoneNumberType "DirectRouting" -ErrorAction Stop}
catch {write-host "Unable to assign the number to the user or Voice Enable the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
### There is no difference in the selection between User and Resource account now. Removing code from V1.2.0 - Jay A
# #Give the user a DID number and Voice Enable the user
# if (-not $Global:isResourceAccount) { #Skip this if the account is a resource account
# $numOfSteps = 3
# Write-Host "[$($currentStep)/$($numOfSteps)] | Assigning the number to the user and Voice Enabling the user | $($UserNumberToAssign)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# $error.Clear()
# #Try {Set-CsUser -Identity "$UserUPN" -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true -OnPremLineURI $UserNumberToAssign -ErrorAction Stop}
# Try {Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "$UserUPN" -PhoneNumber $UserNumberToAssign -PhoneNumberType "DirectRouting" -ErrorAction Stop}
# catch {write-host "Unable to assign the number to the user or Voice Enable the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
# Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
# } else {
# $numOfSteps = 3
# $UserNumberToAssign = $UserDID #This line is here because there is a bug in MS Teams PS Module V2.3.0 where it wont accept the TEL:+000000000 format
# Write-Host "[$($currentStep)/$($numOfSteps)] | Assigning the number to the Resource Account" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# $error.Clear()
# Try {Set-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identity "$UserUPN" -OnpremPhoneNumber $UserNumberToAssign | Out-Null}
# catch {write-host "Unable to assign the number to the user or Voice Enable the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
# Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
# #pause
# }
Write-Host "[$($currentStep)/$($numOfSteps)] | Assigning the Voice Routing Policy" -ForegroundColor Yellow
try {
if ($selectedVrp.Identity -eq 'Global')
Write-Host "Global policy selected"
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity "$UserUPN" -PolicyName $null -ErrorAction Stop
} else {
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity "$UserUPN" -PolicyName $selectedVrp.Identity -ErrorAction Stop
catch {write-host "Unable to assign the Voice Routing Policy to the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "[$($currentStep)/$($numOfSteps)] | Assigning the Dial Plan" -ForegroundColor Yellow
try {
if ($selectedDialPlan.Identity -eq 'Global')
Write-Host "Global policy selected"
Grant-CsTenantDialPlan -Identity "$UserUPN" -PolicyName $null -ErrorAction Stop
} else {
Grant-CsTenantDialPlan -Identity "$($UserUPN)" -PolicyName $selectedDialPlan.Identity -ErrorAction Stop
catch {write-host "Unable to assign the Dial Plan to the user" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host;write-host "---- ERROR ----"; write-host $Error; write-host "---- END ERROR ----"; write-host; write-host "The script will now exit. Please note that changes may have been made" -ForegroundColor Red; write-host; write-host; pause; break}
Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Script Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
$nextConfirm = $null
while ($nextConfirm -ne 'n' -and $nextConfirm -ne 'e') {
Write-Host "What would you like to do now?"
Write-Host "n Next user"
Write-Host "e Exit"
$nextConfirm = Read-Host "Please confirm all OK [n/e]"
if ($nextConfirm -eq 'e') {$mainLoop = $false; break}
}#End MainLoop