Getting started deploying SBC Connect to a new Microsoft 365 Tenant - Customer
This document outlines the process for deploying a new customer to the SBC Connect calling platform.
The high level steps are:
- Obtain the following settings from the SBC Connect platform team
- Customer Domain Name (DNS)
- Assigned PSTN number ranges
- Trunk type
- Derived Trunk; OR
- Non-Derived Trunk
- Port number (non-Derived trunk only)
- Trunk capacity (non-Derived trunk only)
- Add and Verify the DNS name in the Microsoft 365 tenant
- Add Domain Name to Tenant
- Use TXT record verification
- Verification codes need to get entered by the SBC Connect platform team to the DNS
- Select add your own DNS records
- Untick Exchange and Exchange Online Protection
- Activate the domain name for the tenant
- Add a new user to the tenant with the primary UPN domain being the new domain
- Assign the user a license that includes Microsoft Teams (Basically any license)
- Repeat the process and create one user for each domain
- Name the user Delete1 and Delete2, these only need to be active for 10 mins then can be deleted after the SBC’s are added
- Obtain any required additional licenses for the end users
- Including
- Microsoft Phone System; or
- Microsoft 365 Business Voice (without calling plan)
- Including
- Obtain required Microsoft 365 Phone System - Virtual User licenses
These are free and you can request a minimum of 25 per tenancy - Make sure the general users are licensed for Teams
- Setup Holidays (if requested)
- Run the required base PowerShell configuration based on the type of trunk deployed
- Derived Trunk; OR
- Non-Derived Trunk - New SBC
- Complete user deployment configuration
- Assign licenses
- Assign DID
- Voice Enable User
- Enable Hosted Voice mailbox
- Dial Plans
- Gateway (non-Derived only)
- Normalization