Microsoft Teams Cloud Voicemail

Skip to Common Voice Mailboxes

User Voice Mailboxes

A user voice mailbox is inlcuded in a correctly licensed Microsoft Phone System user. The Hosted Voicemail is off by default, however is inlcuded in the SBC Connect user configuration scripts 🌐 Here.


To confirm that the user is already enabled, or to enable it for a user where it’s disable, you can use the following PowerShell commands.

To enable a Voice mailbox for a user, the user must already be Enterprise Voice Enabled

Raw PowerShell Code

Set-CsUser -Identity {USER_UPN} -HostedVoiceMail $true

SBC-Easy PowerShell Code

⚠ These scripts assume that you’ve already connected to the Skype for Business Online PowerShell Module.
Connection details are Here

function Get-UserUPN {
    #Regex pattern for checking an email address
    $EmailRegex = '^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$'

    #Get the users UPN
    Write-Host ""
    $UserUPN = Read-Host "Please enter in the users full UPN"
    while($UserUPN -notmatch $EmailRegex)
     Write-Host "$UserUPN isn't a valid UPN. A UPN looks like an email address" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White
     $UserUPN = Read-Host "Please enter in the users full UPN"
    return $UserUPN

Write-Host "This script will confirm a user is Enterprice Voice Enabled and will enable Hosted Voicemail" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black
$UserUPN = Get-UserUPN

# Check the user is enabled for Enterprise Voice
$usr = Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $UserUPN | Select DisplayName, HostedVoiceMail, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled
if ($usr.EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -eq $false) {write-host "ERROR: User $($usr.DisplayName) is not Enterprise Voice Enabled. User must be Enterprise Voice Enabled before you can enable them for Hosted Voicemail" -BackgroundColor -Red -ForegroundColor White; pause; exit}

#Enable for Hosted Voicemail
Set-CsUser -Identity $UserUPN -HostedVoiceMail $true -erroraction SilentlyContinue

#Check it enabled
clear-variable usr
Start-Sleep -s 2
$usr = Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $UserUPN | Select DisplayName, HostedVoiceMail, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled
if ($usr.HostedVoiceMail -eq $true)
  {write-host "PASS: User $($usr.DisplayName) is now Hosted Voicemail Enabled. It might take a few minutes for the service to provision." -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black; pause; exit}
  {write-host "ERROR: User $($usr.DisplayName) is not Enterprise Voice Enabled. User must be Enterprise Voice Enabled before you can enable them for Hosted Voicemail" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White; pause; exit}

Common Voice mailboxes

Common Voicemails in the SBC Platform are refered to as a voice mailbox that isn’t attached to a user. For example a company might need a common voice mailbox for the general receipt of voicemails as an overflow option during the day or for capturing calls after hours.

Both scenarious could be a delivered as a single common voice mailbox or multiple common voice mailboxes.

Calls can only be transfered to a common voice mailboxes from within an Auto Attendant. Transfers from a Call Queue or from a user initiated transfer are not possible.


A Common Voice Mailbox is delivered using a Microsoft 365 Group. After configuring a Microsoft 365 Group, you’re able to select it as a Voicemail routing option from an Auto Attendant.

Setup a common voice mailbox

If you’re planning to deliver voicemails to a user or shared mailbox, then this may change the members of the group. Please read Receiving Common Voicemails in before proceeding with creating the group.

Receiving Common Voicemails

Voicemails delivered to Common Voice Mailboxes can only be delivered to an Office 365 Group, however it is possible to get these emails forwarded to another mailbox, including a User or Shared Mailbox.
This forwarding will need to be done by a service account in the tenant with a Microsoft Flow license. Refer to the Licensing section below.

Configuring voicemail redirection to a User or Shared Mailbox

Because voicemails can only be delivered to a Microsoft 365 group, this severly impacts the usability of the product as emails as part of a group can’t easily be deleted, marked complete, moved to another folder, etc etc.
Customers may choose to have these voicemails forwarded from the group to a shared mailbox using the Microsoft Power Automate platform. From here you can create a tasks that triggers everytime an email is recevied and then forward that onto another mailbox.


Placeholder - Need to finish STEPS - Josh working on

Licensing for Common Voicemails

License requirements are listed under Common Voice Mailboxes in 🌐 License Requirements