Typical inbound call flow - Provider: AAPT

This is a typical call flow and outlines the important SIP messages

Direction Inbound
Carrier AAPT

Because SBC Connect is connected to multiple providers, you’ll need to select the inbound call flow relivant to your call flow. More examples can be found: 🌐 Here

    participant C as Customer <br> A-Party
    participant S as SBCconnect
    participant P as Upstream Provider <br> AAPT <br> B-Party
    Note over C,P: Typical Outbound Call <br> from A-Party to B-Party <br> Upstream Provider: AAPT
    C->>S: Invite
    S->>P: Invite
    S->>C: 100 Trying
    P->>S: 180 Ringing
    S->>C: 180 Ringing
    P->>S: 200 OK
    S->>C: 200 OK
    C->>S: ACK
    S->>P: ACK
    C-->P: Media Flow
    loop During the call
        C->P: 183 Session Progress (both ways)

    alt A-Party Disconnects Call
        C->>S: BYE
        S->>P: BYE
        P->>S: 200 OK
        S->>C: 200 OK
    else B-Party Disconnects Call
        P->>S: BYE
        S->>C: BYE
        C->>S: 200 OK
        S->>P: 200 OK