Edit a device Configuration Profile

NOTE: There are a few important considerations to take into account when editing a Confiugration Profile.
Please read Notes on the process towards the bottom of the page for detailed steps

If you’ve already assigned a device Configuration Profile and wish to edit the policy, there are considerations to note on the update process.
Refer to the Notes on the Process under assign a device Configuration Profile for more information


  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Teams Admin Portal
  2. Click Devices > Phones
  3. Select the Confiugration Profiles tab
  4. Select the required Configuration Profile
  5. Click Edit
  6. Complete the required changes to the profile
  7. Click Save

Notes on the process

When removing the Lock setting from a profile, this doesn’t remove any exsiting pin code locks on the device, but simply allows the user to remove the pin code lock from the settings menu on the phone